Tuesday, August 5, 2008

8 months into the year

and where do I stand on my goals.

I have not gone on a trip with Susi, though we have talked about it.
I have probably made 1000 people smile. Of course that was a low goal for me. I'm a balloon artist - making people smile is my job.
I have only taken a couple of photographs that I would consider amazing. I think I should schedule some photo outings.
I have impressed some members of the balloon community, but I'm still working on this one.
I have not even given the balloon a thon any consideration.
I have sent thank you cards
I have increased my bookings by about 15%, so I'm getting there.
Talk to me about camping when it's not a zillion degrees outside.
I have crocheted many cool things.
I have yet to teach Bessie to make cookies. This will be a fall activity.

So far, it's much better than I did last year.

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